Sunday, July 23, 2006

Settled for Settlers'

It's my lunar bday!! but mom & dad went to m'sia on a hiking trip... hAhA, but feeling bad, my mom brought back a cake! Cappucino though... though when she was buying, she kept thinking about my fav -- tiramisu! She mistook cappucino for tiramisu lor =( nvm lah. taste nice still =) AND... it's the thought that counts! so yar, apparently her thought was tiramisu ;-)

okie. enough crapping.

today's main event is ---> Jie Mei Outing! =D
Today's attendance: All except Huey Min... too bad she had something on... & the place was too far from her house... ai yah, all uncle's fault! hafta book in @ tampines by 23:59...
This time round, must give a round of applause to Da Jie! If not for Bert taking up the role (sharing with me?), i dun tink this outing would be successful ba... haha... thanks da jie! =)

At first we met at parkway parade de lor.. but then turned out, everyone was late =/ despite me being late by 15min, i was still the earliest... =S wanted to eat Fish & Co one.. cos i haven tried it before... pastamania wasnt too bad either.. but the last one who came = the one who made us meet at the east... (i didnt mind actually.. since im an 'east-er' :P) = wee wee suggest we go somewhere called Settlers' Cafe where we can eat & play board games at the same time. (something like Mind Cafe)

We started with a game called "Snorta" (spelling? ai yah, CHAO TA lah... tt's wad i called it...haha) We each picked an animal (cant see) from a bag. Lusi got pig (oinki oinku), me cat (MOO~oew), wee wee donkey (eyohe, or ee your head!), choon hwee cow (moo), bert sheep (baah, at 1st he wanted a confused sheep [woof!] haha! then after much confusion, he chose a normal sound after all!)
the game is such that each player get a stack of cards & turn them over one at a time. then whenever two similar cards appear between two players, they must shout the other's animal sound. so yea, mine was like similar to hui ge's but his was the easiest. But cos too little ppl playing, not that confusing yet lah... But wee wee was qt good, suay me kena twice by him! >.< changing ="/

then we played game of LIFE. cos i said i nv play before :P had to choose to start with college path (needa borrow $ from bank) or career path. picked the occupation as doctor at 1st. but wee wee spotted that i needed a "degree" so picked another one. Salesperson. Not bad lah, quite like the real me ;-) & i get to earn commission! The best thing was, i got the $100,000 salary!! BEST one, at least amongst us =p stoopid ching wee keep cursing me, saying "wanna slap me" cos my life was de best, & swear he wanna get my salary card. wah liao... in e end, i gotta switch with bert ($70,000. still not bad lah) then bert switched with choon hwee, AND THEN CHOON HWEE GOTTA SWITCH WITH WEE WEE LOR! wah.. was so pissed! haha... but nvm, i still won in the end ;-) just by counting my $500,000 notes, the rest's whole assets couldnt even fight! even the only LIFE card i had was worth as much as the FOUR life cards wee wee had =p
But the highlight of this game is, both me & bert played guy (i was supposed to be female!) and married another GUY!! Haha... Wee wee said we were fulfilling our inner desires to be gays =pPp Even funnier, as the game went on, Bert got a pair of twins & he chose both as boys. But then, later on, he tio a baby GAL!... poor gal lor! gotta grow up in a family of gAys (parents + brothers *potential gays*) HAHAHAHA

Nest we played Jenga (Truth or Dare version) but not that nice... so we switched after 5 turns? LOL. played this SUPER confusing game Elixis (i tink) Reali very confusing. But all in all, it's about casting spells, finding the ingredients you need & there are also other action cards... The objection is to get rid of all your spells. I casted one which exchanged Lusi's spells with mine cos mine was like Level 4 (aka i need 4 ingredients). I thought very hard to find mah.. Who noes, lusi managed to get it & WON the game! =)

Which also ended our day/nite dere. But kena cheated one hr!! See, we were supposed to get 2 hrs 'free' (cos we bought the dinner set) But there was no reminder lor! the person only came to tell us @ 2.5hr mark. It's his fault lor! even he admit. but NO DISCOUNT. wah liao... say wad his boss will fire him. HE'S SO WRONG. ppl who noe how to do business, would want to retain customers by pleasing them. To start with, we werent being unreasonable, we were fighting for our own rights. sigh. but okie lah, $18 for whole dinner set + 3 hrs of games + not that bad staff (althou no reminders, they were very patient when explaining game rules to us) + qt nice environment (except the last part where the game was too confusing & there was a loud big noisy gang around. so we MUST TALK AT THIS VOLUME. haha.)

Being kiasu & not wanting to be cheated of half hour (since e guy said @ 2.5hr mark that we were alr into the 3rd hr), we left at 10.45pm. Felt bad for the rest. Cos Bert lives AMK, Lusi Harbourfront, Choon BP. All so far... all wee wee's fault lah! wad book in @ tampines! haha... but lucky for me =p in e end bert took 135 with me =)

anw it's still a nice outing lah. Since i supposed it's gonna be a long loonng time til our next outing... unless someone is willing to take the role to organise to meet on 10th aug! =D


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