L's surprise revealed
it was a long planning... Since we didnt celebrate Linda's birthday for her last year (well, her bday not exactly in a v gd timing.. with CAs & assignments due... =/) BUT being her 21st this yr, cannot anyhow anyhow le!! somemore she's considered one of my good friends in mse leh...
anw, so we came up with a plan to trick her a psuedo-celebration. The dimsum-kbox treat during recess. Haha... Made a simple card for her, lest she tink too much... But the real thing was already under planning... hekhekhek...
there were plan A and B, one being Angela's concert ticket ($150) and the other, SHE-endorsed Casio watch. Since we couldnt get someone we know to go with her & sponsors were unwilling to subsidise for her friend (she was so eager to go that she dint mind sponsoring 33% for michelle's tix!), the final decision was - SHE watch. I insisted on getting the one with signature encarved, then meaningful wad! Even though it's ella's.. haha.. Well, S's & H's dun reali suit her mah.. anw it's gd we got e signature one also lor.. the packaging nicer! got their faces & signatures!!! see example:
Anw, it's a good celebration. Luckily got yew meng volunteering to draw the animals for the card! haha... im evil... If u noe Linda, u noe how "good" she is at recognising animals... so i had this evil plan of her naming all animals correctly before receiving her bday present! =D but congrats! after some ordeal, she managed to attach all the names correctly (i was kind enough to provide helping words!)
all in all, celebration was quite fun. =) linda, being ever so generous, treated us again! (last yr, treat our eff comm grp [me, van, ym] to ljs) this time, mac'flurry thou me & joyce special order - strawberry mango juice! =)
not trying to claim credits... despite me doing all the planning, coordination (getting people to sponsor/chip in), choreographing the celebration (coming up with idea of match-the-animals then making of the card)... Seriously, to do it for a worthy friend, I really don't mind. In fact, I enjoyed it.
Although I did felt damn irritated by many 小人throughout.
By some inconsiderate person (whose nickname sweet is so ironic) who called this gathering of many people to chip in a "donation drive".
By some fakey person (likes is somewhat like an ant) who had a busy schedule yet refused to arrange the timing of psuedo outing; heck-care behind her back yet being so actively involved in planning in front of her; lived so near yet refuse to go shopping; didnt do much yet claimed credits on bringing the "important" stuff; acting like the host/main organiser when sending the photos; agreed upon the payment amount yet grumble when digging the notes out.
Luckily some grumblings help. at least egg tart & ah meng did help alot too... :) without them i tink i will be so pissed & end up giving up half way already! seriously speaking, i think they werent even considered to be in the "in-group" with her lor.. yet, they seemed to be doing so much more than the supposedly-in-group member... They bother to go search high & low for the watch, doing internet research, personally going down to the shops to check, and eventually making the purchase together (even though they 2 did get on my nerves when we really bought it. one find it too exp [no sign one cheaper] - & i managed to get a discount! ; one find it too exp [the other shop cheaper] - they dun have that design at that price lor~) But still, really touched by the way they treat this whole planning... thanks for being so involved! =)
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