Saturday, March 15, 2008

a loooong talk

okay.. my fri in this sem is supposedly to be long.. 8.30 Am to 8.30 PM (actually lesson start proper at 1130am, but my friday morning is spent alternating between work @ sao and mini mse sports day.. )

anw so today is an especially long day.. well, after elect, me & baa went to toilet.. surprised to not see ym ard... we both tot he was still inside e toilet (a guy taking longer time in toilet than gals???) so aft a while, i decided to peek into the LT. that's where i found him still inside lah, talking to nice Dr Tuti :) baa's friend (juz got to noe him cos initially she wanted a place, & he wanted to drop. end up she got her place, he didnt drop his place =p) also there...

end up we dunno talk abt what (a whole long chain of stuff) UNTIL 10pm. my goodness lah! 1.5hr u noe?!?! so i ended up reaching home near midnight today... wah...

take home msg: my argument is that regardless of how technology is advancing right now, i feel that eventually we will all go back to basic, meaning using the most primitive source of energy for our daily life. I tink cos all the advancement will use up lots more energy & the amount should be increasing exponentially.. at this rate of increase, i tink the supply will eventually totally dry up lor~ so unless we can come up with super efficiency way to produce energy, we probably have no choice but to go back to "starting fire by rubbing rocks / from sun" le.. haha...


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