Monday, July 02, 2007

July life....

this job is sianzZZzzZZ!!!! & LOW PAY!!!! first day of job only & im so not into my job le... sigh... but is already lucky enough to get a job lah.. was about to give up my saving plan already lor.. then someone called me to arrange for interview on fri tt aftnn, quickly went back home prepare le den go.. who know she asked me to report for work on mon le!!! still cant believe lor.. wad if not confirmed?? but i still turned up la... & it turned out to be true man!! woo~~ so now im working at Times Centre - Marshall Cavendish Business Information... lousy job, if u were to ask me.. SUPER LOW PAY SOMEMORE!!! wah liaoz... budden super near my house lah... --> 65c bus fee!!! woohoo!!!! thou needa walk a looong way in cos now having construction.. circle line... *may it be done soon!! den i can start taking mrt to sch w/o change of bus*

anw with this job my current schedule looks something like this:

************mon . . . tue . . . wed . . . thu . . . fri . . . sat . . . sun

morn . . . . . . **************************************** . . SS . . . .tuition
afternoon . . ***********WORK********************** . . . SS . . . . . FREE

night . . . . . .FREE . . .tuition . . . SS . . .. .BS2 . . .tuition . . FREE . . . FREE


BS2 -> Basic Sign Language Level 2. i took it up in the end!! =p

SS -> song signing (performance for the Project ID carnival)
RSP(ID) is our brother CCA who volunteer for the Intellectually Diasabled.

but so far for the saturday nite "free" slots, i've been booked on 07/07/07 for 37th dinner, 14/07/07 cedar phototaking then JPU class dinner, 28/07/07 to meet merle for NDP fireworks =D

then 15/07/07 is the performance day.. after that, free on wed nite le!! thou sat still have SS for the welcome tea *which is on 22nd August (-__-)"

gonna be quite burnt over the weekends too... hope i can still rest well~ & find joy in my job soon!!!


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