Thursday, November 25, 2004


have u ever felt like a helium balloon held by a little kid shopping with his parents? one trip, the kid let loose of you & there you go, flying up higher and higher into the sky, or ceiling of the shopping centre (for that matter). you felt a sense of lost suddenly. dunno where you belong. but then you started to get excited. couldn't wait to go out into the world to take a look. just when u wanted to explore more, the tall daddy jumps & reach for you. there you r, back into the tightly closed fist, determined not to lose u again. u missed that kind of excitement. yet, u feel comforted, cos u've found a home. [which is better? it's hard to say...]

the family reached home. u thought u would be enjoying the attention of your owner for e rest of ur life. FAT HOPE. toys in the playroom get his attention like, immediately once they reached home?? u were being tied to a hanger/nail nearby by his mom. floating, just floating there. until u deflated completely.

which was better??
an opportunity to wander around, without a sense of belonging, without a clear target
a home where u exist & somewhat belongs, but no attention given, no chance to glow??
i dunno. im still lost in-between. i tink i'l feel much beta if i noe e ans.
or maybe, there's no ans 2 this qn...


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